1 min read

Improved bookmarking and note-taking experience

Improved bookmarking and note-taking experience

Creating bookmarks and notes during or after a call has significantly improved.

You can now create a bookmark when taking notes during a call simply by pressing enter. Easy-peasy!
The note-taking input field also gets a new look.

We have also added new capabilities that make it easier to navigate your work on the call screen.

Transcript text corresponding to every note and bookmark is now marked and visible. You can also hover over the icons on top of the transcript to highlight the related transcript text while temporarily removing other markings.

Further, you can click on these icons to scroll and focus on the corresponding note/bookmark/clip in the notes and clips section on the right.

Other improvements and fixes

  1. Transcript scroll sensitivity has been improved. Earlier, some users had complained about the scroll action being too fast at times.
  2. Bookmarking modal's position has been changed on the call view and it no longer blocks the transcript.
  3. Tags being shown next to the transcript are now shortened by default on the transcript.
  4. Hovering over the tag icon that is present on top of the transcript now shows the full tag name as a tool-tip.